Nicks Stuff
Stuff is probably the best description for this section
Trunk Monkey
Iwant one these..... (27/09/06)
Possibly the greatest TV advert ever made?
And they're only going to show it once?(03/07/06)
Brazil Name
If you played for Brazil, What would your name be?(23/06/06)
Have you seen these guys before ???
Fact is always strnger than fiction. (15/04/05)
DR Who theme
Create your own version of the Doctor Who theme tune. Ever wanted to mix a bit of Delia's Diddley-Dum with Howell's Wee-Wah-Woo? Well, now you can, all those basses, bleeps and whooshes have been combined into a fun Flash application for you to play with. Enjoy the Radiophon-A-Tron, but spare a thought for your neighbours too! (22/03/05)
The new Ford Ka advert
Animal lovers should avoid this link.... (03/06/04)
Billy Connolly's 13 things I hate about people
Me and him both ! (08/05/04)
Radio Bloopers
From newsreaders puking up on air to sports commentators doubled up with laughter. Listen to these gaffes, giggles and blunders - the Brian Johnston out take still makes me cry with laughter! (01/04/04)
Ten Easy Steps to Becoming a European Dictator
So you want to run your own country, your way! Here's how. (11/12/03)
Ten Easy Steps to Becoming a European Dictator